Each and everyone of us has individual tastes. Even if you were to follow someone like myself religiously, there would be the odd piece that I produce that isn't really your cup of tea. My tastes change often, although I feel my heart lies with rescuing traditionally shaped pieces, lots of colour, beautiful lines and quirky hardware. When I branch out to a different style than maybe my norm, I often find that once I have that 'diversion' out of my system, I come back to the traditional blues, whites, chippy paint work and raw wood tops....that's just me!
Uptown Heirloom Co.
I have been painting for 18 months now, and although I am mostly pleased with how my furniture evolves, sometimes you just feel certain pieces scream....
''THIS IS MEEEEEEE!'' (this week, anyhow!)
Recently my head has been turned by much bolder, more contemporary, strong colours and styling, which has inspired my last 2 pieces. I especially love the drawers below, they are simply me on a plate!
I have had MASSES of compliments from the folk who follow me so maybe others are able to see what I can in these once-at-the-end-of-their-life pieces too...stunning colours, a quirky & fun style and most definitely one off beauties. Enjoy :)
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